Ok, so if you have been reading the blog or know me in real life you will know I love mustaches. So much in fact I got one tattooed on my index finger. Helen and I actually got them done together a couple years ago. It was Thursday, June 15th 2006 to be exact. The only reason I know this is because we saw Eagles of Death Metal at the Henry Fonda after and I am looking at the ticket stub right now. Anyways, I love the tattoo and everyone I show it too always laughs no matter how old they are or what they think of tattoos. Ever since we got them done I tell friends, family, strangers they should get one and to spread the good word. Well, turns out someone was listening and that person was Jonah Hill. He revealed his on Conan O'Brien last week. Check out the video of his interview.
Conan is a hater
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